Friday, May 3, 2013

Year of the Yes

I have a confession. I’m not a writer. I’m not an author. I’m fairly certain that I got a D in English my freshmen year. I know I have nothing new, original, catchy or earth shattering to say.  I think it is quite funny that I find myself in this predicament. A blank page staring at me, the cursor blinking, taunting me to just try to condense my thoughts into any sensible sentence for another person to digest and judge. 

So how on earth do I find myself here? Actually the answer is quite simple.

I said yes. 

I said yes to God. In fact, I have decided that this year is going to be my Yes year.  Don’t get me wrong.  I haven’t been in the habit of saying no. In fact, I could point to many ways and places I have said yes and could show you things He has done in my life and others as a result. 

But every time?  That sounds a tad extreme. Daunting. Risky. But more than any of those things, it sounds exhausting. Think Jim Carrey in Yes Man only I’m not even half that funny! Yes, every time?

But here is what I’m learning about the Yes. Saying yes to God every time really just requires two things on my part: listening and willingness.  I need be so close to God that I can hear what He is saying and prompting my heart to do and then I just need to be willing to do it.  He pretty much takes over from there.

The tricky part of the Yes has been realizing that saying Yes to God often times means saying no to people and let’s be honest, saying no to people is hard. Sometimes harder than saying no to God. But never as disappointing. Because every time you say yes to God, He is able to reveal more of Himself to you and through you to others. He is able to unveil His purposes and plans for your life. Truly, “We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”  (Ephesians 2:10) 

When we say yes to God, we are a conduit of blessing to a world waiting for our good works. But likewise, the opposite is true. When I say no, usually with a long list of excuses that mostly stem from my insecurities and fears, I miss out on discovering who He has made me to be.  I miss the experience of being used by Him to touch the lives of others. I rob myself of opportunity to be His workmanship.  And to that I say a resounding no. 

I'm finding I'm not always doing it right. Clearly it's May and you are just now reading about my "year of the yes". Why? Because I was afraid. I am afraid. Yes takes guts and faith and a level of bravery I'm not sure exists in me. But then I remember I'm saying Yes to a God who promises to equip me with everything I need to carry out the Yes. When God calls, He equips. 

Stay tuned to where my Yes takes me this year and I’m looking forward to hearing about about the journey your Yes takes you on as well!